Ready to volunteer for Truckee Trails?

Ready to volunteer for Truckee Trails?
June 22, 2023 Lindsay Thayer

Meet New Friends & Feel Good



June Volunteer Opportunities

As things pick up this summer, Truckee Trails is seeking volunteers to help with a range of activities. When you volunteer, you get a chance to meet new friends, get outside, help the environment, and feel good.

Join us solo or bring the family, your work team, or the whole company!

You can help with any of the following:

  • Bike Valet Stewards for Truckee Thursday & Music in the Park
    Truckee Trails provides the bike valet service at each Truckee Thursday and Music in the Park events throughout Summer 2023. You’ll greet attendees at arrival and pickup at the valet area, and tend to their bikes. Choose any or all Truckee Thursday and Music in the Park dates.
    Volunteer Here 
  • Truckee Tahoe Gravel 
    On Saturday, July 1st we’re partnering with the Truckee Tahoe Gravel event (the event village is at Riverview Sports Park). You can help with a range of volunteer opportunities like staffing aid stations, helping with bike valet, working the beer garden, and others.
    Volunteer Here
  • Trail Maintenance
    Join us for a trail outing to help with trail maintenance. We provide the snacks, beverages, and a Truckee Trails branded shirt along with the tools – you provide the muscles and passion. Trail maintenance days are always a blast and work great as team-building outings for businesses, groups, and families.
    Volunteer Here
  • Maps & Apps
    Do you love maps, apps, and GPS? Interested in helping to shape Truckee Trails’ digital user experience? Help out with managing our trails on GPS apps like AllTrails.
    Volunteer Here
  • Other
    We have many ad-hoc volunteer opportunities. Connect today and we’ll find the right spot for you.
    Volunteer Here