In November of 2021, Truckee Trails Foundation won a Nevada County bid for funding to conduct environmental studies for the Pines to Mines Trail, an ambitious effort connecting Truckee with Nevada City by single track that we, and our partners, have been working on for some time. TTF contractors have completed the necessary Environmental Assessment, with the help of USFS staff, and the draft EA was released in summer 2023. The final EA was signed in March 2024. While we do not have enough funding at this time to complete the entire trail, we do hope to begin construction in 2024.
The project is a joint effort with Nevada County and other trails advocates including Bicyclists of Nevada County, Bear Yuba Land Trust, and Truckee Donner Land Trust.
Sawtooth Recreation Area Sustainable Trails Project
In the wake of the 2020/2021 vegetation management activities by the USFS in this area, TTF’s trail crew and volunteers began building (and re-building) 14 miles of new trail in this popular zone. Key to this effort was providing something opportunities for all trail interests in the area. New trails built by TTF include:• Ridgeline Nature Loop Trail
• Gentle Jeffrey Trail
• Wood-splitter Jump Trail
• Timber Cruise Trail
• Compass Skills Loop Trail
• Cross-Cut Trail
• Back-Cut Trail
• Sawyer Trail
• Happy Face (re-built)
In addition to the above, TTF’s crew has been working with the High Fives Foundation to make existing trails in the zone more suitable for adaptive riders.
Three additional trails are slated for construction in 2024.
None of these trails would not be possible without funding from Placer County’s Capital Projects Advisory Committee grants, Lahontan Community Foundation, Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation, the National Forest Foundation, Vail Resorts Epic Promise, many private donors, and of course our friends at the Tahoe National Forest and Town of Truckee.
Trail Maintenance
2023 was an intense year for trail work. Our trail crew has taken on heavy maintenance, clearing of downed trees, rock removal, drainage work, and fixing of holes, features and bridges for:
• Gentle Jeffrey Trail
• Summit Lake Trail
• Big Chief Trail
• Western States Trail
• Granite Chief Trail
• 06 Fire Road
• Sawtooth Trail
• Ridgeline Nature Loop
• Happy Face Loop
• Five Lakes Trail
• Glacier Meadow Loop
• Mt. Lola
• Hole in the Ground Trail
• Warren Lake Trail
• Emigrant Trail
• Powderhorn Trailhead to Wilderness Boundary
This work could not have been done without many important grant funders. Special Thanks to:
- Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation Nature Fund
- Martis Fund: which is a collaborative project of Martis Camp landowners, DMB/Highlands Ground, Mountain Area Preservation (MAP), and Sierra Watch.
- Vail Resorts Epic Promise
- Tahoe Mountain Resorts Foundation.
In cooperation with the US Forest Service, TTF is embarking on a long-term vision for the stretch of Forest Service land between Truckee and Squaw Valley. The first phase of this effort will be the construction of a trailhead parking area at Cabin Creek, which will provide year-round recreational access.
This work will take place in 2026.
The USFS has begun to assess an alignment for a proposed trail around Andesite Peak and the creation of a single track loop for Hole in the Ground that will stay on public land. Resource studies have also been conducted, though this problem is on hold due to Forest Service staffing shortages.
Past Projects
Waddle Ranch is a stunning property owned by the Truckee Tahoe Airport District, and held as a conservation easement by the Truckee Donner Land Trust.
TTF and Truckee Donner Land Trust staff worked together to flag an alignment for a beautiful 5-mile hiking and biking trail, and TTF’s crew built this trail that leads to the heart of Waddle Ranch. This trail creates connections to the already existing Elizabethtown, East Martis Creek, Erica’s and Matt’s trail allowing you to make multiple loops and see the stunning birder’s paradise, Dry Lake.
CEQA studies were completed in 2021 and thanks to secured funding this trail was completed by our crew in fall of 2022.
Placer County TOT Grant – Wayfinding and Trailhead Improvements
The Truckee Trails Foundation was awarded $202,000 from the Placer County Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) funds. In 2020, despite Covid-19 setbacks, poor air quality, and forest closures, the TTF crew successfully installed 54 of the 108 wayfinding signs. The USFS installed a new vault toilet at the Sawtooth Trailhead. In 2021, 2 more vault toilets were installed, trailheads received improvement, and more signs were installed! We wrapped this project up in 2022 by installing the remaining trails signs, installing 3 trailhead kiosks and smoothing out the gravel in the lower Big Chief parking lot.
Newly renamed: El Burro and Donkey Town
Over the summer of 2019, changes and additions were made to this trail site. Recognizing the popularity of this trail and the opportunity for improvement, the Truckee Trails Foundation (TTF) and United States Forest Service (USFS) agreed there was an excellent opportunity to “systemize” the trail. Systemization legally requires that the trail meet current sustainability standards and avoid identified sensitive areas. TTF raised funds to conduct necessary resource studies, and worked with the USFS to ensure sensitive resources are protected.
This project involved the “adoption” of 1.71 miles of existing user-created trail, and construction of an additional 2.0 miles of non-motorized singletrack trail, creating a trail loop system, all on public land. See the map for details. This project will provide a sustainable and long-lasting recreation opportunity for the public, while discouraging use of adjacent private land and avoiding sensitive cultural and natural resources. Work was conducted by TTF trail crew, USFS personnel, and volunteers at no cost to the public. This project was generously funded by the National Forest Foundation, REI, and the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation.
The Truckee Trails Foundation worked with the USFS and Northstar California on a 8-mile non-motorized trail connecting Watson Lake and the Tahoe Rim Trail to the southern end of Sawtooth Trail. Construction was completed in fall of 2018. A huge thanks to the National Forest Foundation and REI for making this possible!

In cooperation with the USFS, The Truckee Trails Foundation completed a major re-route and restoration effort on the Upper Emigrant Trail along Alder Creek. This included over 500 crew hours and 275 volunteer hours. The resulting trail (and new bridges!) create a more user friendly and environmentally sustainable experience.
The Truckee Trails Foundation completed this trail that connects Northstar with Waddle Ranch trails. TTF raised $50,000 to build the Middle Martis Creek bridge and remaining trail construction. This project also included over 400 volunteer hours.
Lower Carpenter Valley Trail
Lower Carpenter Valley was recently purchased by the Truckee Donner Land Trust and is currently open to the public with their docent led hikes.
In August of 2019 the Truckee Trails Foundation’s crew broke ground on a new 3 mile trail that will circumnavigate this stunning meadow. In 2020 the crew completed the construction of 700 feet of boardwalk. This non-motorized trail is perfect for a slow meander while you look for birds and view the wildflowers.
Please visit the Truckee Donner Land Trust for more information on how you can take a guided hike into this beautiful meadow.
Truckee Trail Ambassador Program
Proper stewardship of our trails is critical to maintaining our pristine environment and ensuring the enjoyment of all who use our trails. In 2021, TTF’s Trail Ambassador Program was initiated, with the help of the Town of Truckee, Nevada County, and Visit Truckee-Tahoe. Since then, we’ve hired seasonal ambassadors to spend the summer roaming our dirt and paved trails offering assistance (directions, bike repairs, water, bandaids), watching for abandoned campfires, picking up trash, and spreading critical stewardship messaging. To date our team has patrolled hundreds of miles of trail and spoken with even more trail users. Stop and say “hi” if you see them out there!
Truckee Bike Valet Program
In 2022, TTF initiated Truckee’s first bike valet program, designed to facilitate our efforts towards a more active community, cleaner air, and reduced carbon footprint. To this end, TTF staff and volunteers have set up bike valets at all Music in the Park concerts on Wednesday evenings and Truckee Thursday’s throughout the summer. Our team has also set up at community events including the Truckee Tahoe Air Show, Truckee Tahoe Gravel Race, and Truckee Day community barbecue. In total, staff and volunteers valeted 2,530 bikes in the summer of 2023. Let us know if you have an event you think would be a good candidate for a bike valet!
The TTF Crew Hard at Work
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