We asked, you answered and now we’re excited to share the overall results of our 2022 Community Trails Survey. With nearly 500 respondents (thanks again!), we have a great picture of what you like, what you don’t, and where you hope to see trails go. Read on for a snapshot of the results.
- Truckee full-time residents 68.17%
- Truckee part-time residents 17.45%
- Tahoe region full-time residents 6.98%
- Tahoe region part-time residents 2.26%
- 35-54 years old 47.28%
- 55-64 years old 23.53%
- 65+ years old 16.99%
- 18-34 years old 10.46%
Who’s using which?
- Dirt trails 63.93%
- Dirt/paved trails equally 21.31%
- Paved trails 13.73%
Barriers to access
- Overcrowding and user conflict (walkers/hikers, runners, bikers having difficulties trail-sharing) 51.82%
- Distance (too far from home) 41.54%
- Lack of facilities (bathroom, parking, drinking water, etc.) 29.55%
- Lack of access information/way-finding/maps 26.55%

Photo credit: Truckee Donner Land Trust
Dirt trails are enjoyed by
- Walkers/hikers 70.63%
- Mountain bikers 65.63%
- Joggers/trail runners 27.71%
- E-bikers 10.21%
Folks are digging these dirt trails
- Donner Lake Rim Trail 50.64%
- Sawtooth Trail 36.70%
- Donkeytown/Jackass 32.83%
- Pacific Crest Trail 30.47%
- Emigrant 28.97%
- Coldstream 27.47%
- Big Chief 23.39%
- Sagehen Creek Trail 22.32%
- Judah Loop 21.03%
Top issues concerning dirt trails
- Overcrowding 53.85%
- Trail access/parking 49.79%
- Trash/dog waste 46.79%
- User conflict 36.75%

Photo credit: Lynn Baumgartner
Survey says these are fave paved trails
- Truckee River Legacy Trail 87.66%
- Trout Creek Trail 47.45%
- Martis Valley Paved Trails 26.17%
- Gray’s Crossing/Old Greenwood Trails 25.32%
How you’re using paved trails
- Biking 39.83%
- Hiking/walking 26.42%
- Dog walking 11.95%
- E-biking 10.06%
Why you’re using paved trails
- Exercise 74.58%
- Recreation/sightseeing 42.23%
- Accessing other trailheads 24.37%
- Running errands/attending events in town 25.42%
Paved trail etiquette
- People are pretty good 64.3%
- People still don’t pick up after their dogs 54.49%
- There are safety issues (speeding, off-leash dogs, etc.) 27.56%
- We need better etiquette signage 22.13%
- We need a centerline to keep users on the correct side 17.12%
Wish-list paved trail amenities
- Waste/recycle stations 52.05%
- Restrooms 51.6%
- Human/dog drinking fountains 36.3%
- Benches and shade structures 30.37%
Usage during spring/summer/fall
- Rarely 35.5%
- 2-3 times/week 24.58%
- 2-3 times/month 17.86%
- Rarely 78.06%
- Once/month 7.17%
- 2-3 times/month 4.43%
Roads in the Truckee area where you’d like to see bike lanes added

Survey respondent bike lanes wish list
Trail types and attributes Truckee/Tahoe needs most
- More trails that allow safer travel within and between neighborhoods
- Most connection between paved paths and existing dirt trails
- More long distance trails
- Mountain biking loops closer to town
- Mountain biking loops farther from town
- More trails open to Class 1 e-bikes